Month: March 2015

  • F’Sentejn Gvern Ġdid naqqas id-Defiċit bi kważi €230 Miljun

    F’Sentejn Gvern Ġdid naqqas id-Defiċit bi kważi €230 Miljun

    Figuri ppublikati mill-Uffiċċju Nazzjonali tal-Istatistika jindikaw li għat-tieni sena konsekuttiva l-Gvern irnexxielu jnaqqas id-defiċit fuq il-Fond Konsolidat.   STQARRIJA MILL-MINISTERU GĦALL-FINANZI   Filwaqt li fl-aħħar sena tal-amministrazzjoni preċedenti d-defiċit kien laħaq il-figura rekord ta’ €362 miljun, fl-ewwel sena ta’ Gvern ġdid dan kien tnaqqas għal €263 miljun. Is-sena li għaddiet id-defiċit tal-Fond Konsolidat reġa’ tnaqqas…

  • Two-thirds of my time now spent fighting bureaucracy

    Finance Minister Edward Scicluna has singled out bureaucracy as a major obstacle to economic growth, saying he spent “at least two-thirds” of his time trying to overcome it. Speaking at the Hilton during a presentation on the EY Eurozone and Malta forecasts, he gave as an example a 10-hour debate at committee stage in Parliament,…

  • The Importance of Diverse and Independent Economic Forecasts – Videoblog 85

    The Importance of Diverse and Independent Economic Forecasts – Videoblog 85

      Minister for Finance Prof. Edward Scicluna discusses the importance of economic forecasts, and explains that these take place on the basis of sophisticated mathematical, economic, and statistical models. He notes that such economic forecasts are routinely carried out and issued by various institutions, such as the European Commission, and the International Monetary Fund. Locally,…

  • EY Economic Forecast for the Maltese economy

    EY Economic Forecast for the Maltese economy

    “The economy is accelerating for a reason. Things are being done, obstacles are being removed, and solutions are being found. More work remains to be done of course, but we can look ahead with optimism as the country is moving forward,” said the Minister for Finance Edward Scicluna. The Minister was speaking during an EY…

  • National Reform Programme to social partners

    National Reform Programme to social partners

    The Minister for Finance Edward Scicluna presented an overview of the National Reform Programme (NRP) to the social partners during a joint MCESD/MEUSAC meeting on Friday 27th March 2015.   Press statement by the Ministry for Finance   In his introduction, MEUSAC Head Vanni Xuereb, who chaired the meeting, explained that the National Reform Programme…

  • Minister presides over rebranding launch of A|R|Q Group

    Minister presides over rebranding launch of A|R|Q Group

    “The spate of mergers and acquisitions in Malta is a clear sign that the economy is growing,” said the Minister for Finance Prof. Edward Scicluna.   PRESS STATEMENT BY THE MINISTRY FOR FINANCE   Minister Scicluna was speaking during the official launch of the rebranding of a group of companies providing corporate, trust, accounting and…

  • L-ekonomija qed tikber għax hawn l-istabilità

    L-ekonomija qed tikber għax hawn l-istabilità

    F’dawn l-aħħar sentejn, Malta esperjenzat tkabbir ekonomiku li poġġieha fuq quddiem nett, kemm mal-pajjiżi tal-Unjoni Ewropea u kif ukoll taż-Żona Ewro għaliex il-Gvern qiegħed jieħu d-deċiżjonijiet li hemm bżonn u għaliex f’pajjiżna qed tirrenja l-istabilità politika, fil-banek, fl-attività ekonomika u fl-investiment. Dan qalu l-Ministru għall-Finanzi, il-Prof. Edward Scicluna f’intervista ma’ din il-gażżetta. Il-Ministru Scicluna qal…

  • Il-Kapital hu Essenzjali għat-Tkabbir Ekonomiku

    Il-Kapital hu Essenzjali għat-Tkabbir Ekonomiku

    Għal ħafna nies il-kelma “kapital” tfisser xi flus li jkunu ġemmgħu u poġġewhom f’xi bank jew ieħor. Għall-ekonomista u l-ekonomija, iżda, il-kapital huwa xi ħaġa ferm aktar sostanzjali. F’kuntest ekonomiku, il-kapital huwa dak il-fattur ta’ produzzjoni, dik it-triq, il-fabbrika, il-makkinarju, il-bini, is-sistema tat-telefown, li fl-ekonomija iġġiegħlha tikber u tespandi. Hemm teorema stabbilita li aktar ma…

  • Initiatives bringing Malta and Australia closer together

    Initiatives bringing Malta and Australia closer together

    The Minister for Finance Prof. Edward Scicluna welcomed opportunities which can bring the Maltese and Australian business communities closer together so that efforts across multiple fronts, such as trade and investment, can be fully exploited.   Minister Scicluna was speaking during a seminar organized by EY in collaboration with the Australian High Commission, held at…

  • Malta welcomes commission’s revised assessment of its budgetary plans

    Malta welcomes commission’s revised assessment of its budgetary plans

    “Malta welcomes the European Commission’s revised assessment of its draft budgetary plans presented with other euro area countries.” This was stated by the Minister for Finance Prof. Edward Scicluna during a Eurogroup meeting held in Brussels on Monday 9th March 2015.   PRESS STATEMENT BY THE MINISTRY FOR FINANCE He further said that “Malta’s reduction…