Finance Minister in Washington for IMF/WB meetings

Minister for Finance Edward Scicluna is holding talks with senior officials of leading international financial institutions on the fringes of the 2017 International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank Group (WBG) annual meetings in Washington D.C., the USA between 12 and 15 October 2017.



Minister Scicluna is discussing Malta’s economic, fiscal, and financial outlook as well as its challenges for the coming years to senior officials of leading international banks, and top officials from leading rating agencies Moody’s, Standards and Poor’s, Fitch Ratings, and DBRS Sovereign.




Prof Scicluna also had high-level meetings with US Under Secretary of State at the US Treasury David Malpass and the Irish Minister for Finance Michael D’Arcy, World Bank Executive Director Patrizio Pagano, Country Director for the Maghreb Marie Francoise Nelly, IMF Executive Director Carlo Cottarelli, Deputy Director for the European Region Mahmood Pradhan, and Head of Article IV Mission to Malta Nir Klein.


These annual meetings serve as a platform for finance and development ministers, central bank governors, private sector executives, and academics to discuss issues of global concern including the world economic outlook, migration issues, and economic development.


Minister Scicluna was accompanied by Central Bank of Malta Governor Dr Mario Vella and Deputy Governor Alessandro Demarco.


15th October 2017


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