Brighter future for the Malta Stock Exchange

Availability of credit in Malta and in the EU is constrained by the willingness of the banks to extend it to those seeking it. A stronger capital market will seek to address such shortfall, Minister for Finance Prof. Edward Scicluna said.



Speaking at the Malta Stock Exchange, Minister Scicluna addressed the importance of facilitating access to credit to entrepreneurs through various avenues, such as rendering the Stock Exchange more accessible through a well thought-out strategic plan.




Finance Minister Prof. Edward Scicluna made reference to the harmful campaign against the Maltese Financial Sector in the European Parliament, which campaign was spearheaded for partisan gains. He mentioned that on Tuesday and Wednesday he is accompanying the Prime Minister for meetings in Strasbourg to defend the country’s reputation.


Minister Scicluna concluded by stating that he will be giving more attention to the Stock Exchange than ever before, to make sure that the initiatives which were proposed by the present Board will be implemented.



-Wednesday, 14th June, 2017



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