L-MEP u INT – Prog 32 – Investiment Barrani

Kull meta jinghata rendikont dwar kif tkun sejra l-ekonomija ta’ pajjiz, fost is-setturi li jissemmew b’enfasi jkun hemm l-investiment barrani. L-investiment barrani huwa s-suggett li gie diskuss mal-Ewroparlamentari Laburista Malti l-Professur Edward Scicluna fil-programm L-MEP U INT li xxandar il-Gimgha, 3 ta’ Settembru 2010, fuq Smash Television. Ir-Ripetizzjoni tal-programm tixxandar l-ghada, is-Sibt, fis-6.20 p.m. u l-Hamis, fit-8.20 p.m.


Labour MEP Prof Edward Scicluna discusses and answers questions on various topics currently being discussed in the European Parliament.

Your appointment is for every Friday on Smash Television at 7.20pm.

(Repetition every next Saturday at 6.20pm and the following Thursday at 8.20pm)

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