Does the euro have a future?


The euro has had its good times and its bad times, and at the moment we’re going through the latter. However, it is here to stay. The whole principle behind the single European currency is not just economic, but also political: countries have come together in a bid to build a strong union through a strong monetary union with a single currency. We must, therefore, evaluate the situation and be very frank about what the objectives and priorities are for our shared currency to become stronger. Finance Minister, Prof. Edward Scicluna shared these views in a video address to the participants of a debate on the future of the euro, held on Thursday 16 April.



L-ewro għandu futur?

L-ewro għadda minn żminijiet tajbin u minn oħrajn koroh, u bħalissa għaddej minn fażi diffiċli. Madankollu, l-ewro se jibqa’. Il-prinċipju kollu wara l-munita unika Ewropea mhux sempliċiment ekonomiku, iżda wkoll politiku: għadd ta’ pajjiżi ngħaqdu flimkien biex jibnu unjoni qawwija permezz ta’ unjoni monetarja b’saħħitha b’munita komuni. Għaldaqstant, irridu nevalwaw is-sitwazzjoni u nkunu onesti ħafna dwar x’inhuma l-miri u l-prijoritajiet biex il-munita komuni tagħna tissaħħaħ. Il-Ministru għall-Finanzi, il-Prof. Edward Scicluna, qasam dawn il-ħsibijiet f’messaġġ vidjo lill-parteċipanti ta’ dibattitu dwar il-ġejjieni tal-ewro, li sar il-Ħamis 16 ta’ April.


– Thursday, 16th April, 2015

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