Government’s Vision for Budget 2015 – Videoblog 59

Minister for Finance Prof. Edward Scicluna discusses the recently unveiled Pre Budget Document 2015, and the vision it lays out for the upcoming Budget 2015.

Prof. Scicluna explains that the government’s vision for the Budget 2015 will look towards ensuring that social welfare reflects the government’s objective of creating opportunities while discouraging dependencies. At the same time, sustainable social protection will be guaranteed.




He also explains that the ‘make work pay’ principle, which was at the heart of several successful budget measures, will now also be extended into the social welfare sector. In this way, the government intends to ensure that individuals are empowered through incentives aimed at discouraging dependency and allowing them to become independent members of society.

Prof. Scicluna also explains that the budget will build upon the economic and fiscal successes achieved during the government’s first year.

Prof. Scicluna explains that during the coming weeks, a number of public consultation meetings will also be held with both key stakeholders and the public, so as to ensure that the government can continue to create a society that empowers and creates the right opportunities for all.

The Pre Budget 2015 Document can be accessed here.


– Thursday, 4th September 2014

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