Prof. Scicluna representing the interests of Birżebbuġa Residents

Professor Edward Scicluna attended the Freeport Environmental Monitoring Committee that was held at the MEPA offices in Floriana on Friday 21st December. Prof Scicluna has been a member of the Committee in his capacity as a Consultant to the Birżebbuġa Action Committee since 2009. Among the issues currently discussed with the Freeport Management and MEPA are the Noise Monitoring Report, air pollution from Freeport Vessels, and the Freeport dredging operations. As an MEP he has made a number of Parliamentary Questions to the Commission in the interests of the Birżebbuġa residents.




Il-Professur Edward Scicluna jirrapreżenta l-interessi tar-residenti ta’ Birżebbuġa.


Il-Professur Edward Scicluna attenda għal-laqgħa tal-Kumitat tal-Monitoraġġ Ambjentali tal-Port Ħieles li saret fl-uffiċini tal-MEPA fil-Furjana nhar il-Ġimgħa 21 ta’ Diċembru. Il-Professur Scicluna ilu membru tal-Kumitat fil-kapaċita’ tiegħu ta’ konsulent tal-Kumitat ta’ Azzjoni ta’ Birżebbuġa sa mill-bidu tal-2009. Fost il-kwistjonijiet li qed jiġu diskussi mat-tmexxija tal-Port Ħieles u l-MEPA hemm dawk dwar ir-rapport dwar l-immonitoraġġ tal-ħsejjes, it-tniġġiż tal-arja ikkawżat mill-vapuri tal-merkanzija u l-operazzjonijiet tat-tħammil fil-Port Ħieles. Bħala Membru Parlamentari Ewropew il-Professur Scicluna għamel diversi mistoqsijiet parlamentari lill-Kummissjoni Ewropea li jirrigwardjaw l-interessi tar-residenti ta’ Birżebbuġa.


– Friday, 21st December 2012


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