Il-Ministru għall-Finanzi jattendi diskussjoni dwar is-Settur Bankarju u l-Ġestjoni tad-Dejn Sovran fl-UE

L-Erbgħa, 8 ta’ April 2015, il-Ministru għall-Finanzi Edward Scicluna, attenda għal diskussjoni dwar id-dejn sovran, organizzata mill-fergħat tad-Deloitte fi New York, Londra u Malta flimkien mar-Rothschild.

Id-diskussjoni ffukat l-aktar fuq l-adegwatezza kapitali tas-settur bankarju, u dwar il-ġestjoni tad-dejn sovran fl-UE.


Il-Ministru għall-Finanzi, il-Prof. Edward Scicluna, jingħata merħba mill-Kap Eżekuttiv u ċ-Chairman tad-Deloitte f’Malta, is-Sur Malcolm Booker u s-Sur Andrew Manduca rispettivament.



Saru preżentazzjonijiet mid-Direttur tad-Deloitte, is-Sur Dimitrioc Goranitis, mill-Partner tad-Deloitte fir-Renju Unit, is-Sur James Douglas, mid-Direttur tar-Rothschild f’Pariġi, is-Sur Stéphane Charbit, u mill-Analist tar-Rothschild, Sovereign Advisory Group, is-Sur Gatien Bon.



Finance Minister attends roundtable on Banking Sector and Sovereign Debt Management in the EU


The Minister for Finance Edward Scicluna attended a Roundtable on Sovereign Debt organised by Deloitte New York, London and Malta, and Rothschild, on Wednesday 8th April 2015.

The Roundtable discussion focused primarily on the capital adequacy of the banking sector, and sovereign debt management in the EU.


Panel members who delivered presentations during the Roundtable.


Presentations were given by Deloitte Director Mr. Dimitrioc Goranitis, Deloitte UK Partner Mr James Douglas, Rothschild Paris Director Mr Stephane Charbit, and Rothschild Analyst, Sovereign Advisory Group, Mr. Gatien Bon.




– Wednesday, 9th April, 2015


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