Fondazzjoni IDEAT Conference “For a New Progressive Europe”

Labour MEP Professor Edward Scicluna spoke during a panel discussion at a Conference of the Fondazzjoni IDEAT on the theme “For a New Progressive Europe” on Saturday 23 February at the Mediterranean Conference Centre, Valletta, during which a number of experts, NGO representatives and foreign politicians praised the proposals in the road map presented by Partit Laburista for the next 5 years, such as those measures targeted at a fair society for Malta. As an MEP and a candidate for the General Elections Prof Scicluna spoke about the need for a new progressive Europe.


L-Ewroparlamentari Laburista il Professur Edward Scicluna tkellem waqt diskussjoni ta’ panel ta’ esperti fil-Konferenza tal-Fondazzjoni IDEAT bit-tema ‘For a New Progressive Europe’ nhar is-Sibt 23 Frar fil-Mediterranean Conference Centre, Valletta, li matulha professjonisti, rappreżentanti ta’ assoċjazzjonijet kif ukoll politiċi barranin faħħru diversi proposti fir-road map tal-Partit Laburista għall-ħames snin li ġejjin, bħall-miżuri biex Malta jkollha soċjeta ġusta fejn kulħadd jingħata ċ-ċans uħadd ma jibqa lura.. Bħala Ewroparlamentari u kandidat għall-elezzjoni ġenerali Il-Professur Scicluna tkellem fuq il ħtieġa ta’ bidla lejn Ewropa progressiva.



– Saturday, 23rd February, 2013


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