Courtesy visit from the Ambassador of the Kingdom of Netherlands to Malta

Finance Minister Prof. Edward Scicluna received a courtesy visit from the Ambassador of the Kingdom of Netherlands to Malta H.E. Rita Dulci Rahman.

The meeting discussed topics related to political and economic developments in both countries, as well as their respective relevance to the European Union, and the Eurozone. Prof. Scicluna and H.E. Ms Rahman also discussed issues related to monetary policy and the banking union, and both countries’ respective stances in this regard.


They also discussed the social services systems in place in both countries and what challenges and opportunities each country faces to ensuring that such services, such as healthcare and pensions, remain strong and sustainable.

Prof. Scicluna and H.E. Ms Rahman also discussed the Arab Spring, as well as more-recent development in North African countries. They agreed that if the European Union is to take a more active role in guiding developing countries towards democracy, Malta represents a valuable strategic operational base in the region.

Both Prof. Scicluna and H.E. Ms Rahman augured that Malta and Netherlands would continue to be close partners in the European Union.



– Friday, 15th Novembe, 2013


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