Chinese Garden of Serenity is testament to ongoing Malta-China Friendship

“The Chinese Garden of Serenity is a testament to the ongoing friendship and cooperation between the Governments of China and Malta, and will allow Maltese a greater appreciation of Chinese culture,” said Finance Minister Prof. Edward Scicluna.

Prof. Scicluna was speaking during the inauguration of the beginning of restoration and embellishment works which will renovate the St Lucija Chinese Garden of Serenity.

Prof. Scicluna inaugurated the beginning of works alongside Mr Sun Jiliang, Charge D’Affaires for the Ambassador of Chinese embassy in Malta, and Sta. Luċija Local Council Mayor Frederick Cutajar.

In his address, Prof. Scicluna explained that the project consists of the renovation and expansion of the Chinese Garden of Serenity, which was originally designed in October 1995, and constructed in 1997. This project represents an investment of 35 million RMB – equivalent to €4.24 million – generously granted by the Government of the People’s Republic of China as part of its China-Aid Programme.

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Prof. Scicluna noted that the project is one of a series of agreements and initiatives that further cement the mutually-beneficial friendship that exists between Malta and China, which goes back many years. Indeed only last year, the Republic of Malta and the People’s Republic of China commemorated 40 years since the establishment of diplomatic relations in 1972.

He also noted how that moment in the history of our two countries marked the beginning of a close and fruitful relationship that continues to flourish and grow stronger as the years go by. He underlined how the Government is recognising China’s economic role as a dynamic and forward-looking an investment partner, something which the EU as a whole is also recognising and appreciating.

“Through this project the residents of Sta. Luċija, as well as the Maltese population as a whole, will be able to appreciate Chinese art and culture in a more immediate and direct manner and increase their knowledge of Chinese customs, further strengthening the developing friendship between the two countries,” Prof. Scicluna said.

China IPPR International Engineering Corp, Chief Engineering Inspector, Mr Hu Zhong Jing, and China Urban Construction Design & Research Institute, Project Supervisor, Mr Xi Zhonghe, also delivered brief addresses.


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– Friday, 18th October, 2013


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