Embedded balanced budget law – L-MEP u Int – Prog 93

At the much awaited Summit of the European Union held on Thursday 8 December,
2011, agreement was reached about the measures that should be introduced to address
the euro zone problems. Britain was the only European Union country which was
against the agreement.

In the programme MEP u Int we will discuss with Labour MEP Professor Edward
Scicluna what exactly are the solutions being proposed, the implications of these
measures for Malta which were also agreed to by the Maltese Government, and the
meeting that he will be having with Mario Draghi, President of the European Central


Fis-Summit tal-Unjoni Ewropeja tant mistenni li sar nhar il-Hamis 8 ta’ Dicembru intlahaq ftehim dwar il-mizuri li ghandhom jittiehdu biex jigu meghluba l-problemi fiz-zona ewro. Nafu pero li l-Ingilterra kienet l-uniku pajjiz tal-Unjoni Ewropeja li ma qablitx ma’ dan il-ftehim.

Fil-programm l-MEP u Int ser nitkellmu mal-Ewroparlamentari Laburista, il-Professur Edward Scicluna dwar x’inhuma ezattament is-soluzzjonijiet li gew proposti, x’inhuma l-implikazzjonijiet ghal Malta ta’ dawn is-soluzzjonijiet li l-Gvern Malti qabel dwarhom
kif ukoll dwar il-laqgha li l-Prof Scicluna ser ikollu ma’ Mario Draghi, il-President tal-Bank Centrali Ewropew fi Frankfurt il-Germanja.


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