L-MEP u INT – Prog 47 – Governanza ekonomika globali

F’diversi programmi L-MEP U INT l-Ewroparlamentari Laburista l-Professur Edward Scicluna tratta il-governanza ekonomika, il-mekkanizmi li ghandhom juzaw il-pajjizi ghal tmexxija ekonomika tajba. L-aktar li tkellem dwar dan is-suggett kien fuq livell ta’ Zona Ewro, fejn zviluppat krizi kbira li wasslet biex kellhom jinghataw ghajnuniet kbar il-Grecja u l-Irlanda. F’dan il-programm Prof Scicluna jespandi d-diskussjoni dwar il-governanza ekonomika fuq livell globali. L-MEP U INT jixxandar kull nhar ta’ Gimgha fis-7.20 p.m. fuq Smash TV b’repetizzjoni l-Hadd fis-5.40 p.m.

Global economic governance

In past L-MEP U INT programmes Labour MEP Prof Edward Scicluna discussed economic governance, mechanisms which countries should have in place for good management of the economy. This was done mostly at the Eurozone level, where a crisis has erupted leading to the bailing out of Greece and then Ireland. During this programme Prof Scicluna expands the discussion and tackles economic governance at the global level. L-MEP U INT is on the air on Smash TV every Friday at 7.20 p.m. with a repetition the following Sunday at 5.40 p.m.


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