L-MEP u INT – Prog 45 – Minn Brussels ghal Kinshasa

Il-programm L-MEP U INT tal-Gimgha, 3 ta’ Dicembru, 2010, huwa mifrux fuq hidmet il-Professur Edward Scicluna minn Brussels ghal Kinshasa, fir-Repubblika Demokratika tal-Kongo. Fi Brussels Prof Scicluna ha sehem fil-laqgha tal-Kumitat tal-Affarijiet Monetarji u Ekonomici (ECON) li ghaliha attenda wkoll il-President tal-Bank Centrali Ewropew, Trichet, laqgha li trattat il-krizi li ghaddejja minnha l-Ewro bhalissa. F’Kinshasa Prof Scicluna kien jifforma parti mid-delegazzjoni Parlamentari tal-Parlament Ewropew li hadet sehem fil-laqgha tal-Assemblea Parlamentari Kongunta AKP-UE. Fiha jiehdu sehem minbarra MEPs, Membri Parlamentari mill-pajjizi Afrikani u tal-Pacifiku. Il-programm L-MEP U INT jixxandar fuq Smash TV kull nhar ta’ Gimgha fis-7.20 p.m. b’ripetizzjoni l-Hadd ta’ wara fis-5.40 p.m.

From Brussels to Kinshasa

Kinshasa, in the Democratic Republic of Congo, was the location for Labour MEP Professor Edward Scicluna’s participation on L-MEP U INT 45th programme aired on Smash TV on Friday, December 3, 2010. In Kinshasa Prof Scicluna formed part of the EP delegation participating in the ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly. Prior to flying to Kinshasa from Brussels, Prof Scicluna participated in the ECON meeting with European Central Bank (ECB) President, Trichet. The meeting focused on the current Euro crisis. Prof Scicluna goes through all this during this 10-minute programme. L-MEP u INT is aired on Smash TV every Friday at 7.20 p.m. with a repetition the following Sunday at 5.40 p.m.


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