L-MEP u INT – Prog 38 – Living Wage

Kuncett li beda jissemma ricentement f’pajjizna huwa dwar paga li tassigura dhul dicenti. Kuncett li bl-Ingliz jissejjah Living Wage. Kuncett li jvarja mill-kuncett Minimum Wage, l-inqas paga li tista’ tinghata lill-haddiem ghal gimgha xoghol. Il-Minimum Wage, il-paga Minima, hija stabbilita bil-ligi u tizdied bl-ammont kif imhaddem mill-COLA (Cost of Living Adjustment). Mhux hekk il-Living Wage. L-Ewroparlamentari Laburista Malti l-Professur Edward Scicluna ddiskuta dan is-suggett fit-38 programm televiziv L-MEP U INT.

Living Wage

It was quite recent that the phrase “Living Wage” made it to the newsstands. Living wage was referred to by PL Leader Dr Joseph Muscat. There’s a difference between Living Wage and Minimum Wage. Reactions to what Dr Muscat said about the Living Wage differed. Living Wage was the subject tackled with Labour MEP Prof Edward Scicluna during his last L-MEP U INT TV programme, the 38th in the series. Smash TV airs L-MEP U INT every Friday at 7.20 p.m


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