Aktar kmieni dan ix-xahar, il-Parlament Ewropew aggorna ghall-btajjel tas-sajf u b’hekk
giet fi tmiemha t-tieni sena ta’ din l-legislatura.
Fil-programm televiziv L-MEP U INT tad-29 ta’ Lulju, 2011, fuq Smash TV l-
Ewroparlamentari Laburista l-Professur Edward Scicluna jaghti harsa lura lejn din it-tieni
sena tieghu fil-Parlament Ewropew u harsa ‘l quddiem lejn x’se jkun qed jistennihom fi
tmiem Awwissu li gej meta jerga’ jibda jiltaqa’ l-Parlament Ewropew.
Earlier this month, the European Parliament adjourned for the summer holidays bringing to an end the second year of this legislature.
During the television programme L-MEP u INT (The MEP and You) of the 29 July 2011 on Smash TV, the Labour MEP Professor Edward Scicluna looks back at his second year and gives a look forward towards what is waiting for them at the end of August when Parliament will start meeting again.