European Semester – L-MEP u Int – Prog 149

In this L-MEP u Int program on 1 February Labour MEP Professor Edward Scicluna spoke about the discussion at the European Parliament on improving economic cooperation between the national parliaments and the European Parliament in the context of the European Semester. Prof. Scicluna gave information about the European Semester, why it is important and what are the main issues expected to be discussed during this semester.

The program L-MEP U INT (The MEP and You) is broadcast every Friday at 7.20pm on Smash TV with a repeat on Sunday at 6.40pm



Simestru Ewropew

F’dan il-programm MEP u Int li ixxandar fl-1 ta’ Frar fuq Smash Television l-Ewroparlamentari Laburista l-Professur Edward Scicluna jitkellem dwar id-diskussjoni li kien hemm fil-Parlament Ewropew dwar titjib fil-kooperazzjoni ekonomika bejn il-parlamenti nazzjonali u dak Ewropew fil-kuntest tas-Simestru Ewropew. Il-Prof Scicluna jispjega fiex jikkonsisti is-Simestru Ewropew, għaliex huwa importanti u x’inhuma l-issues prinċipali li mistennija li jiġu diskussa f’dan is-Simestru.

Il-programm L-MEP U Int jixxandar kull nhar ta’ Ġimgħa fis-7.20pm fuq Smash TV b’repetizzjoni il-Ħadd fis-6.40pm


– Smash TV : Friday, 1st February, 2013


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