Choosing the right MEP – Videoblog 14


In his weekly video blog, Finance Minister Prof. Edward Scicluna draws from his considerable personal experience as a Maltese Member of the European Parliament (MEP) and discusses the attributes any MEP should possess.
Prof. Scicluna argues that the European Parliament is very different from Malta’s Parliament, beginning with how the European Parliament is composed of over 750 members from 27 different member states, and it is a place where diverging cultures come together and mix.
Prof. Scicluna also notes that contrary to the local political landscape, the European Parliament is not governed by any single majority. This means, he argues, that MEPs are expected to perform very differently, and must be ready and willing to discuss and lobby with their counterparts in every political group to build a majority on a specific issue.


Prof. Scicluna notes that being an MEP is a demanding role, as one would be required to work from morning till evening, and be available at all times of the day to attend meetings as may be required.
Prof. Scicluna also argues that a capable MEP must be also well-versed in his field or sector of choice, and be capable of compiling reports and presenting opinions that not only do this or her country justice, but also safeguard the country’s interests within the EU.
He notes that while MEPs are furnished with all sorts of resources, including media, it boils down to the MEP’s capabilities to manage his own time, as well as communicate effectively regarding what he or she is achieving.


– Wednesday, 28th August, 2013

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