“Permezz ta’ dan il-baġit konvinti li se nwettqu l-viżjoni tagħna ta’ Malta Aktar b’Saħħitha, Malta aktar Ġusta.”
– Ministru għall-Finanzi Prof. Edward Scicluna
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Budget 2014 Document >>
Economic Survey 2013 >>
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Finance Minister Prof. Scicluna explains that it is Maltese and Gozitan families which will be at the heart of the Government’s vision for the coming Budget 2014, as was the case for previous documents like the Pre Budget Consultation Document 2014, and the Government’s electoral programme.
In the run up to the official presentation of the much-awaited Budget 2014 on Monday 4th November 2014, Prof. Scicluna explains that every measure which will be introduced in the Budget 2014 is aimed at easing the burdens on hardworking families.
The Finance Minister emphasises that this is the case whether one considers those measures dealing with the sorely-needed reduction in the utility tariffs, measures which reward people’s work, proposals to strengthen stipends for students, and also the much-needed measures which provide invaluable support for the pensioners, elderly and persons with special needs.
– Sunday, 3rd November, 2013
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