Month: June 2017

  • €68.7 million reduction in deficit for the first five months

    €68.7 million reduction in deficit for the first five months

    A reduction of €68.7 million was recorded in the consolidated fund deficit in the first five months of this year when compared to the same period of last year. In fact, while in the first five months of 2016, the deficit was equal to €71.3 million, the deficit for the same period of this year…

  • The Maltese Presidency secures another agreement to combat the financing of criminal activity in ECOFIN

    The Maltese Presidency secures another agreement to combat the financing of criminal activity in ECOFIN

    The Maltese Presidency of the Council of the European Union has sealed another agreement in the Economic and Financial Affairs Council (ECOFIN) on cash entering or leaving the European Union. The regulation is aimed at improving the current system of controls, with the objective to take into account the development of new best practices in…

  • It-triq għall-Aqwa Żmien

    It-triq għall-Aqwa Żmien

    Il-partit li hu fil-Gvern fil-kampanja tiegħu kellu programm elettorali li permezz tiegħu fil-fatt ħa l-fiduċja ta’ daqshekk voti u b’maġġoranza daqshekk kbira. Wieħed jista’ jitkellem fuq l-għadd ta’ miżuri ekonomiċi, jista’ jitkellem ukoll fuq dawk il-miżuri li jappartjenu lis-saħħa, l-edukazzjoni, benefiċċji soċjali. Bħal programm li sar erba’ snin ilu l-Gvern wera bil-miżuri tiegħu, mhux biss…

  • The European Court of Auditors plays an important role in overseeing all European Union expenditure

    The European Court of Auditors plays an important role in overseeing all European Union expenditure

    Finance Minister Edward Scicluna and President of the European Court of Auditors (ECA) Klaus-Heiner Lehne addressed a joint press conference outlining the ECA’s important role in overseeing all European expenditure. Minister Scicluna said that the ECA should not be taken for granted, and must be seen by the member states as the institution overseeing that…

  • Tliet istituzzjonijiet jagħtu rendikont ta’ xogħolhom lill-Ministru Edward Scicluna

    Tliet istituzzjonijiet jagħtu rendikont ta’ xogħolhom lill-Ministru Edward Scicluna

    F’konferenza stampa fil-bini fejn jiltaqa’ l-Public Contracts Review Board (PCRB), il-Ministru għall-Finanzi Edward Scicluna ġie ppreżentat b’rapport ta’ ħidma mill-PCRB għas-sena 2016. It-tliet istituzzjonijiet iltaqgħu għall-ewwel darba flimkien sforz ix-xogħol tagħhom li jirrigwardja l-infiq pubbliku. Iċ-Chairman ta’ PCRB Dr Anthony Cassar qal li fis-sena 2016 l-effiċjenza żdiedet – fejn qabel iż-żmien ta’ meta jidħol appell…

  • Malta proud of its achievements during its Presidency

    Malta proud of its achievements during its Presidency

    Speaking at the European Parliament’s Committee for Economic and Monetary Affairs (ECON), Minister for Finance Prof. Edward Scicluna highlighted the achievements of the Maltese Presidency on matters pertaining to taxation and other economic measures significant to the well-functioning of the European Single Market. On taxation, Malta has made significant progress on this very sensitive area…

  • Ċaqlieq fix-Xenarju politiku Ewropew

    Ċaqlieq fix-Xenarju politiku Ewropew

    Bl-Ingliż inħobbu ngħidu li, a week is a long time in politics. Fi kliem ieħor ġimgħa fil-politika hija eternità, għax tant jista’ jiġri xi ħaġa mil-lum għal għada li qatt ma tista’ tbassar bejn wieħed u ieħor x’jista’ jiġri, u jiġru affarijiet li wieħed ma jkunx jistennihom. Din tapplika mhux biss għal Malta. M’hemm l-ebda…

  • The Maltese Presidency commended for successfully steering forward the European Union agenda

    The Maltese Presidency commended for successfully steering forward the European Union agenda

    The Maltese Presidency of the Council of the European Union has chaired its last ECOFIN Council today, which was held in Luxembourg, and chaired by Minister for Finance Edward Scicluna. This meeting ended a very successful and highly commendable performance by the Maltese Presidency of the Economic and Financial matters of the council.   Malta,…

  • Prospetti sbieħ

    Prospetti sbieħ

    Ma nistax nibda dan l-artiklu wara l-elezzjoni mingħajr ma nirringrazja lil kulħadd u nisperaw illi l-ħidma tul din il-leġiżlatura f’dawn il-ħames snin li ġejjin tkun ta’ sodisfazzjon bħalma kienet dik ta’ qabilha fl-aħħar erba’ snin li għaddew.   Jekk tiftakru sew qabel l-elezzjoni kien hemm dak l-istorbju, kritika u kummenti għaddejjin, wieħed jgħaddi fuq l-ieħor…

  • Brighter future for the Malta Stock Exchange

    Brighter future for the Malta Stock Exchange

    Availability of credit in Malta and in the EU is constrained by the willingness of the banks to extend it to those seeking it. A stronger capital market will seek to address such shortfall, Minister for Finance Prof. Edward Scicluna said.     Speaking at the Malta Stock Exchange, Minister Scicluna addressed the importance of…