Category: Latest News

  • At the 20th Anniversary Eurogroup Meeting

    At the 20th Anniversary Eurogroup Meeting

    “While we contend that the OECD is the appropriate institution where global tax matters should be discussed and agreed, we will still evaluate objectively the latest tax proposal by Germany and France on digital advertising by big international compnanies.” This was stated by Minister for Finance Edward Scicluna during the ECOFIN meeting which was held in Brussels.…

  • Digital Services Tax – Europe should aim for a consensus-based solution within the OECD

    Digital Services Tax – Europe should aim for a consensus-based solution within the OECD

    “Digitalisation is a new reality we cannot ignore. So, the question is not if, but how and when”, said Finance Minister Edward Scicluna during the ECOFIN meeting in Brussels. The Council meeting was discussing the European Commission’s proposal on introducing a tax on digital services of leading international companies. PRESS RELEASE BY THE MINISTRY FOR…

  • Malta tissodisfa l-maġġoranza tal-kriterji fuq it-transparenza tal-finanzi pubbliċi

    Malta tissodisfa l-maġġoranza tal-kriterji fuq it-transparenza tal-finanzi pubbliċi

    “Xi żmien ilu, jien tlabt lill-Fond Monetarju Internazzjonali (IMF) jagħmel evalwazzjoni intensiva fuq it-trasparenza tal-finanzi pubbliċi f’Malta. Dan bl-għan li nkomplu nsaħħu l-finanzi pubbliċi u ntejbu t-trasparenza tal-proċess baġitarju. L-IMF bagħtu delegazzjoni f’Malta f’Mejju ta’ din is-sena sabiex jagħmlu din l-evalwazzjoni u jippreparaw rapport dwar ir-riżultati għal pajjiżna”, qal il-Ministru għall-Finanzi Edward Scicluna waqt konferenza…

  • Standard and Poor’s affirms Malta’s A-/A-2′ ratings with a positive outlook

    Standard and Poor’s affirms Malta’s A-/A-2′ ratings with a positive outlook

    The Ministry for Finance welcomes the latest credit rating report by Standard and Poor’s which affirms Malta’s A-/A-2′ ratings with a positive outlook. Standard and Poor’s acknowledges that in recent years, the Government has consolidated government finances, reduced general government debt relative to GDP, and undertaken several structural reforms, notably those that have increased female…

  • Minister Scicluna addresses Trident Trust regional conference participants

    Minister Scicluna addresses Trident Trust regional conference participants

    “Malta’s work force is very professional, with key skills of a very high international standard. This in itself is another attraction for foreign investors”, stated by Minister for Finance Edward Scicluna while addressing participants celebrating Trident Trust’s 40th anniversary at Palazzo De Piro in Mdina on the 22nd of May, 2018.     Trident Trust,…

  • Sustained economic growth – European Commission

    Sustained economic growth – European Commission

    Minister for Finance Edward Scicluna welcomes the latest European Commission 2018 Spring Forecast, which expects Malta’s strong economic growth and the current account and budget balance surpluses to be sustained over the forecast period. “The Commission has once more confirmed through its Spring Forecast Malta’s economic and fiscal sustainability as evidenced by the forecasted fiscal…

  • A general government surplus of €437 million in 2017

    A general government surplus of €437 million in 2017

    “I am pleased to note that we have honoured our commitment of achieving a surplus net of the revenue from IIP”, stated Minister for Finance Edward Scicluna while addressing a press conference held at the Ministry for Finance. PRESS RELEASE BY THE MINISTRY FOR FINANCE The minister stated that the government has succeeded in recording…

  • A cash surplus of €182.7 million registered in 2017

    A cash surplus of €182.7 million registered in 2017

    “We are proud to announce a cash surplus in our public finances for a second consecutive year. We are confident that when the same figure is accounted on an accrual basis for general Government, this surplus would be maintained. As a Government, we intend to maintain this momentum in drastically reducing the national debt, which…

  • In Algiers for official meetings

    In Algiers for official meetings

    Minister for Finance Edward Scicluna visited Algiers, Algeria, at the invitation of the Algerian Minister of Finance, the World Bank and the Arab Monetary Fund, to address a High-level Regional Conference tackling the issues of ‘Youth, Technology and Finance’. The two-day regional conference brought together entrepreneurs from around the globe, renowned academicians, and senior policymakers.…

  • Further rating upgrades for the Maltese economy

    Further rating upgrades for the Maltese economy

    Malta welcomes yet another two rating upgrades by DBRS and Moody’s respectively. DBRS has upgraded the Republic of Malta to ‘A (high)’ from ‘A’, and Moody’s changed the outlook to ‘positive’ from ‘stable’.   Minister for Finance Edward Scicluna said that “from where I heard the news here in India, these upgrades mean more doors being opened for serious discussion, from Prime Minister…