Żjara mhux tas-soltu f’Ċipru
Fl-aħħar jumejn ta’ Ottubru li għadda s-Segretarju Ġenerali tal-Ġnus Magħquda, Ban Ki-Moon, sejjaħ fi New York lill-President ta’ Ċipru u lill-President tar-Repubblika tat-Tramuntana ta’ Ċipru bil-għan li jżomm ħajja t-tama li xi darba ż-żewg naħat jitwasslu għal ftehim. Għaddew 37 sena minn meta l-armata Torka invadiet il-parti ta’ fuq ta’ Ċipru. Invażjoni li wasslet biex…
Edward Scicluna on Papandreou’s move
Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou’s decision to put the eurozone rescue plan to a referendum caused a new round of uncertainty on the eurozone. The question is: why did Papandreou decide for a referendum? Labour MEP Prof Edward Scicluna replying this question echoed by the “Times Business”, Thursday November 3, 2011, said that he can…
Getting to grips with statistics and damn lies
Labour MEP Prof. Edward Scicluna was recently appointed as the European Parliament’s statistical governance rapporteur. “The Times” journalist Kurt Sansone talked to Prof. Scicluna seeking the background of the issue and the way forward. The Times carried Sansone’s report on Monday, October 31, 2011, titled “Getting to grips with statistics and damn lies”. Full report…
Il-piż tad-dejn min se jġorru?
Il-gimgha li għaddiet, x’aktarx aktar minn qatt qabel, ħarset id-dinja u b’mod partikolari dik Ewropea, kienet iffokata fuq Brussels, l-aktar nhar l-Erbgħa li għadda meta tkompla s-Summit tal-Mexxejja tal-Unjoni Ewropea li nbeda l-Ħadd ta’ qabel. Il-kitba fuq il-ħajt ta’ quddiemhom kienet ċara daqs il-kristall: Kollha nafu li s-sitwazzjoni fiż-Żona Ewro kompliet sejra għall-agħar. Irridu nieħdu…
EP Plenary in Strasbourg – October 24, 2011
Edward Scicluna draws EU and G20 leaders’ attention to Global Economic Governance Report Addressing the European Parliament (EP) Plenary in Strasbourg on Monday, October 24, 2011, Labour MEP Professor Edward Scicluna drew the attention of the European leaders at the EU Summit and the world leaders at the G20 Summit to “the many intelligent and…
Scicluna starts work as European statistical governance Rapporteur
Labour MEP Edward Scicluna has been appointed as the European Parliament’s Rapporteur on Robust Quality Management of European Statistics. The report by Prof Scicluna, who is Vice-Chairman of the Parliament’s Economic committee, will include the Parliament’s recommendations on seeking agreement on a quality management framework for EU statistics related to the economic governance package. Prof…
“VAT and the EU Conference” by MIM
Prof. Edward Scicluna was the Guest Speaker invited to make the Concluding Speech for a conference organised by the Malta Institute of Management (MIM) on Thursday, October 20, 2011. Theme of the conference was “VAT and the EU Conference”. Office of Prof. Edward Scicluna issued the following Press Release. Scicluna – Fiscal debate needs to…
FTT – It-taxxa fuq it-transazzjonijiet finanzjarji
Meta f’Settembru li għadda waqt li kien qed jindirizza s-Sessjoni Plenarja tal-Parlament Ewropew fi Strasbourg, Josè Manuel Barosso, President tal-Kummissjoni Ewropea ħabbar li l-Kummissjoni kienet qiegħda taqbel mal-introduzzjoni tat-Taxxa fuq it-Transazzjonijiet Finanzjarji (FTT) tant li qiegħda tipprepara l-proposti tagħha dwarha, wieħed ma setgħax ma jkunx sorpriż. Dan għaliex sa ftit ilu l-Kummissjoni Ewropea kienet baqgħet…
EFSF should have the ability to function like a bank – Prof. Edward Scicluna
Prof. Edward Scicluna believes that the European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF) should have the ability to function like a bank and launch eurozone bonds taking the load off the back of the European Central Bank. Prof. Scicluna stated this when replying to questions by The Sunday Times journalist Kurt Sansone reporting for the paper’s Sunday,…
Is-soluzzjoni dwar il-kriżi finanzjarja fiż-Żona Ewro mhix fil-bogħod jekk hemm ir-rieda politika
X’AKTARX ninstema’ stramb jew li qiegħed kontra l-kurrent meta ngħid li minkejja l-kriżi kbira li tinsab fiha ż-Żona Ewro ninsab ottimist li ż-Żona Ewro ssalva. Ottimist li jsir hekk għax persważ li l-Ġermanja trid li ż-Żona Ewro ssalva. Salvazzjoni li r-rimedju għaliha se jkun goff. Dan kawża tal-fatt li tħalla jgħaddi wisq żmien bil-problema tkompli…