Labour MEP Professor Edward Scicluna praised the Union Ħaddiema Maqgħudin document ‘Active Labour Market Policy’ which was launched during a Business Breakfast held by the UHM on Wednesday 25th July. He was pleased that the study was supported by all the unions. He said that it was very important that the issue of precarious jobs needs to be addressed properly and resolved because many of the initiatives in the document are linked to it.
Il-Membru Parlamentari Ewropew Laburista l-Professur Edward Scicluna faħħar id-dokument tal-Union Ħaddiema Maqgħudin Active Labour Market Policy li ġie mniedi waqt Business Breakfast organizzat mill-UHM nhar l-Erbgħa 25 ta’ Lulju. Huwa kien sodisfatt ħafna li dan l-istudju sab l-appoġġ mill-unions kollha. Il-Professur Scicluna qal li huwa ferm importanti li il-kwistjoni tax-xogħol prekarju tiċċara ruħha għaliex ħafna mill-inizjattivi f’dan d-dokument huma marbutin ma’ din il-problema.
– 25 July 2012