Results of a Noise Survey for Birżebbuġa

In 2009, the Malta Freeport Terminals Ltd were denied their requested extension by MEPA mainly due to the fact that the Environmental Impact Assessment did not carry out a scientifically accepted Social Impact Assessment,  including a Noise Survey.

Subsequently, about a year later, the Freeport extension was approved by MEPA conditional on Malta Freeport accepting to participate in an Environmental Monitoring Committee for the Malta Freeport Terminals.  This committee is composed of the highest officials from MEPA, the Malta Freeport, the Birżebbuġa Local Council and the Birżebbuġa Environmental Action Group (BEAG).




Prof Edward Scicluna, a Labour MEP and candidate for the forthcoming general elections is a consultant to BEAG and attends the meeting of the Environmental Monitoring Committee on a regular basis.

In 2012, the Committee agreed to carry out a noise survey in Birżebbuġa to examing the impact of noise emanating from the Freeport Terminals on Birżebbuġa residents.  The Noise Report was carried out by ADI associates and presented to the committee in November of 2012.

One should note that in its reply to a Parliamentary question by Prof Edward Scicluna in 2012, the European Commission had stated that Birżebbuġa as a locality does not fall within the remit of the European Noise Directive in view that the government chose not to include it in its urban agglomeration noise map.

The Noise Survey reports that a number of areas in Birżebbuġa at certain specific times, especially during the night, suffer from noise levels which significantly exceed accepted levels and benchmarks existing in the UK.




– Saturday, 12th January, 2013


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