Konferma li l-Grupp Popolari fil-PE rrifjuta azzjoni qawwija ghal burden sharing

Dokumentazzjoni li qed nghaddu lill-media llum mid-delegazzjoni Ewroparlamentari Laburista ssahhah dak li d-delegazzjoni sostniet fl-istqarrija taghha ta’ nhar il-Hamis li ghadda li biha kkundannat in-nuqqas ta’ qbil li wrew il-Partiti Popolari Ewropej (EPP) fil-kwistjoni tal-‘burden sharing’ u nuqqas ta’ solidarjetà ma’ Malta biex jinqasam il-piz li mistenni jinholoq bl-immigrazzjoni fil-Mediterran kawzata mill-krizi Libjana.

Iz-zewg Ewroparlamentari Nazzjonalisti fi hdan l-EPP, nhar il-Hamis stess ipprovaw jikkontradixxu l-istqarrija tad-delegazzjoni Ewroparlamentari Laburista billi qalu li Paragrafu 15 tar-Rizoluzzjoni Kongunta imressqa mill-akbar hames gruppi politici fil-Parlament Ewropew taghmel referenza ghal Artiklu 80 tat-Trattat tal-UE li jirreferi ghall-principju tas-solidarjeta u l-qsim tar-responsabbiltà minn Stati Membri.

Dwar dan, id-delegazzjoni Laburista sostniet li “waqt li z-zewg MEPs Nazzjonalisti jghidu li referenza ghal Artiklu 80 ssolvi kull problema possibbli, il-verita’ hi li l-lingwagg vag tal-Artiklu 80 m’hu xejn meta komparat mat-talbiet specifici proposti mill-Grupp tas-Socjalisti u d-Demokratici (S&D) fir-Rizoluzzjoni taghhom. L-S&D talbu ghal dik li tissejjah Common EU Asylum System; ghal pjan ta’ azzjoni ta’ ‘burden sharing’ biex isir rilokazzjoni ta’ refugjati mill-Afrika ta’ Fuq; u ghal twaqqif ta’ fond specjali ta’ solidarjeta. L-EPP, li minnu jiffurmaw parti z-zewg MEPs Nazzjonalisti, irrifjuta kompletament li jdahhal dawn it-talbiet fir-Rizoluzzjoni Kongunta.”

Annessi t-tliet rizoluzzjonijiet.

Nota: Artiklu 80 li rreferew ghalih l-EPP jghid hekk: The policies of the Union set out in this Chapter and their implementation shall be governed by the principle of solidarity and fair sharing of responsibility, including its financial implications, between the Member States. Whenever necessary, the Union acts adopted pursuant to this Chapter shall contain appropriate measures to give effect to this principle.
English version

Labour MEPs respond to PN MEPs on Libya

The Labour MEP delegation today issued the documentation which supports their statement yesterday that the EPP had indeed objected to the inclusion of three paragraphs proposed by the S&D group which toughened the European Parliament’s response to the events in Libya on the issue of migration burden sharing.

Responding to yesterday’s claims by the two Nationalist MEPs that paragraph 15 of the Joint Resolution tabled by the five largest political groups included a reference to Article 80 of the EU treaty which refers to the principle of solidarity and sharing responsibility by Member States, the Labour delegation said:

“While the two Nationalist MEPs claim that a reference to Article 80 solves any possible problems, the truth is that the vague language in Article 80 is nothing compared to the explicit demands proposed by the S&D group in their own resolution. These were for a Common EU Asylum system, a burden-sharing action plan to resettle North African refugees and a special solidarity fund. These three proposals were flatly refused inclusion by the EPP in the Joint Resolution.”

1 – Attached are copies of the resolutions on Libya tabled by the S&D group, the EPP and the joint resolution.

2 – The text of Article 80 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union reads as follows:

Article 80
The policies of the Union set out in this Chapter and their implementation shall be governed by the principle of solidarity and fair sharing of responsibility, including its financial implications, between the Member States. Whenever necessary, the Union acts adopted pursuant to this Chapter shall contain appropriate measures to give effect to this principle.


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