MCESD Meeting

Finance Minister Prof. Edward Scicluna formally presented the Pre-Budget Document 2014 to the Malta Council for Social and Economic Development on Monday, 2nd September 2014. Minister for Public Dialogue Helena Dalli was also present for the presentation, which represented the opening of the Pre-Budget 2014 Consultation period.

During the presentation, Prof. Scicluna outlined the Government’s vision for the coming Budget, which will be geared towards preserving economic stability while ensuring that wealth generated from economic growth is felt across the whole of Maltese society.



Prof. Scicluna also emphasised that the new Government is committed towards introducing reforms that enhance fiscal responsibility and more discipline in public spending. These include a comprehensive spending review, the introduction of a planning total in budgetary planning, the phasing out of supplementary estimates, and a shift towards longer-term economic planning.

He said that the Government also remains committed to relieving the energy tariff burden for families and businesses, while also facilitating access to work through various back-to-work schemes, the provision of free child care centres and the expansion of after-school care.

Prof. Scicluna noted with satisfaction that the majority of the social partners expressed themselves positively with the majority of the Government’s vision in areas such as energy reform, public spending, education and employment, health, and also pension sustainability.

Prof. Scicluna thanked the MCESD for their valuable feedback, which the Government will take into consideration.

The Pre-Budget 2014 Consultation process will continue with a Business Breakfast for stakeholders on Wednesday 4th September, where the Finance Minister will invite civil society, social and economic stakeholders, and private sector representatives, to share perspectives, raise concerns, and table proposals.


He said that the Government also remains committed to relieving the energy tariff burden for families and businesses, while also facilitating access to work through various back-to-work schemes, the provision of free child care centres and the expansion of after-school care.

Prof. Scicluna noted with satisfaction that the majority of the social partners expressed themselves positively with the majority of the Government’s vision in areas such as energy reform, public spending, education and employment, health, and also pension sustainability.

Prof. Scicluna thanked the MCESD for their valuable feedback, which the Government will take into consideration.

The Pre-Budget 2014 Consultation process will continue with a Business Breakfast for stakeholders on Wednesday 4th September, where the Finance Minister will invite civil society, social and economic stakeholders, and private sector representatives, to share perspectives, raise concerns, and table proposals.


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“Illum ippreżentajt id-dokument ta’ qabel il-Baġit 2014 lill-imsieħba soċjali fl-MCESD. Dan id-dokument jispjega l-viżjoni tal-Gvern għall-Baġit li ġej, li se tkun imsejjsa fuq it-tkabbir ekonomiku li jilħaq lil kulħadd, aktar responsabbiltà fiskali, u direzzjoni ġdida għall-pajjiż. Ir-rakkomandazzjonijiet, l-opinjonijiet, u l-ħsibijiet tal-imsieħba soċjali kienu ferm sodisfaċenti, u se jiġu kkunsidrati serjament mill-Gvern fit-tfassil tal-Baġit innifsu.”





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– Monday, 2nd September, 2013


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