Finance Minister Scicluna in High Level talks in Washington

Finance Minister Professor Edward Scicluna has held high-level talks with officials from the International Monetary Fund and the rating agency Standard and Poors while in Washington for the IMF/World Bank 2013 Spring Meetings. Also participating in the delegation and the respective meetings was the Governor of the Central Bank Professor Josef Bonnici.




The officials with whom the delegation has had meetings included Mr. John Chambers, Managing Director and Chairman of Standard & Poor’s Sovereign Ratings Committee,  Ms Marta Ruiz Arranz, Head of IMF Consultation Mission to Malta, and Mr Andrea Montanino, the IMF Executive Director for the Region of which Malta forms part. The delegation also met a number of leading Bank Governors and Finance Ministers who attended the Meetings.
Professor Scicluna said “It was very important, at this critical juncture, that key and influential international players are kept updated with Malta’s economic and financial developments.  Our country’s credibility requires that we are forthcoming with our information at all times. I am very confident that this successful two-way engagement was well received and is expected to continue.”
In the coming months Malta will be evaluated by the IMF Article IV Consultation Mission, and a number of rating agencies including Standard and Poors.
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– Monday, 22nd April, 2013

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