Year 2011 in retrospect – L-MEP u Int – Prog 96


In today’s final programme in the series MEP u Int for the year 2011, Labour Member of the European Parliament, Professor Edward Scicluna speaks about the political and economic problems that the world had to face during the year and about the possible challenges for the year 2012. Professor Scicluna talks about the events in the North African countries as a result of the Arab Spring as well as about the upheaval in the world economy.



F’dan l-ahhar programm fis-sensiela l-MEP u Int ghas-sena 2011 l-Ewroparlamentari Laburista, il-Professur Edward Scicluna jitkellem dwar il-problemi politici u ekonomici li ffaccjat id-dinja matul din is-sena u dwar x’jistghu jkunu li sfidi fis-sena 2012. Prof. Scicluna jaghti harsa lejn dak li gara fil-pajjizi tal-Afrika ta’ Fuq bhala rizultat tar-Rebbiegha Gharbija kif ukoll dwar it-taqlib fl-ekonomija dinjija.


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