L-MEP u INT – Prog 36

Nhar l-Erbgħa, 29 ta’ Settembru, fi Brussel saret protesta kbira mill-unions Ewropej. Ipprotestaw kontra l-miżuri ta’ awsterita li qegħdin jittieħdu minn diversi gvernijiet fl-Ewropa. Sadattant l-Unjoni Ewropea qed tissuġġerixxi miżuri oħrajn. Ifisser li l-programmi ta’ awsterita mhumiex biżżejjed? Il-miżuri applikabbli għal dawk il-pajjiżi li qegħdin fiż-Żona Ewro għandhom ikunu applikabbli wkoll għal dawk il-pajjiżi li mhumiex fiż-Żona Ewro? Dan kollu gie diskuss mal-EwroParlamentari Laburista l-Professur Edward Scicluna fil-programm L-MEP U INT li xxandar il-Gimgha l-1 t’Ottubru fuq Smash Television.

L-MEP u INT – Austerity measures in Europe

Wednesday 29th September European unions staged a massive protest march in Brussels. They were protesting against austerity measures being implemented across Europe. Meanwhile additional measures are being put forward by the European Union. Does this mean that the austerity measures being implemnted are not enough? Should austerity measures applicable for Euro Zone member states be applicable also for non-Euro Zone European Union states? These are the topics discussed with Maltese Labour MEP Prof Edward Scicluna, last Friday October 1st, during TV programme, L-MEP U INT on Smash TV.

Your appointment is for every Friday on Smash Television at 7.20pm.

(Repetition every next Saturday at 6.20pm and the following Thursday at 8.20pm)


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