L-MEP u Int – Prog 70 – The Divorce Referendum

ON Saturday, May 28, 2011, the majority of the Maltese people said YES in the Divorce Referendum. The result was a clear one, 53% in favour, however it still gave room for various interpretations, especially in the light of the Parliamentary process and the MPs vote for the green light.

This was the topic dealt with by Labour MEP Prof Edward Scicluna on Smash TV discussion programme L-MEP U INT on Friday, June 3, 2011.

Ir-Referendum dwar id-divorzju

Ir-Referendum dwar ghandhiex tiddahhal il-ligi tad-divorzju f’pajjizna gie u ghadda. Il-poplu vvota fit-28 ta’ Mejju, 2011 u r-rizultat kien car, 53% favur li dan ghandu jsir. Minkejja dan, ir-rizultat xorta jibqa’ suggett ghal hafna interpretazzjonijiet specjalment fid-dawl tal-process parlamentari biex jivvutaw fuqu l-Membri Parlamentari biex eventwalment isir ligi.

L-Ewroparlamentari Laburista Prof Edward Scicluna tratta dan is-suggett fil-programm televiziv L-MEP U INT fuq Smash TV il-Gimgha, 3 ta’ Gunju, 2011.


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