Il-Kontabilita u n-nuqqas taghha,id-dejn, il-korruzzjoni , l-hela u nuqqas ta’ ghaqal fit-tmexxija kienu fost s-suggetti li gew diskussi mill-Ewroparlamentari Laburista l-Professur Edward Scicluna f’Laqgha ta’ Diskussjoni ohra ‘Ejja u Staqsi’ li saret il-Hamis l-1 ta’ Marzu fil-Qrendi.
Il-Professur Scicluna tkellem ukoll dwar l-ordni li nghatat mill-Kummissjoni Ewropea lill-Gvern Malti biex inaqqas 40 miljun ewro mill-bagit .
Ghall mistoqsija li saritlu dwar l-kwistjoni tal-istipemdji, l-Professur Scicluna sostna li huwa qatt ma kien kontra l-istipendji u ta’ l-assigurazzjoni tieghu u tal-Partit Laburista li l-istipendji se jibqghu kif inhuma u jissahhu fejn hemm bzonn. Huwa tkellem dwar il-hidma tieghu fil-Parlament Ewropew u qal li hadem fuq 18 ir-Rapport u ghadu kif inghata l-inkarigu li jaghmel rapport iehor dwar l-istatistika. Il-Professur Scicluna wiegeb mistoqsijiet ohra li sarulu mill-membri tal-udjenza prezenti
– English
Contability, debt, corruption, waste and bad governance were amongst the subjects discussed by Labour European Member of Parliament Professor Edward Scicluna during a Public Meeting ‘Ejja u Staqsi’ which was held on Thursday 1st March in Qrendi.
Professor Scicluna talked about the consequences which the Maltese people are facing because of the order given by the European Commission to the Finance Minister to cut 40 million euros from the budget he presented last November,
Responding to a question put to him about stipends Professor Scicluna stated ‘I was never against stipends’. ‘ I will give my guarantee and that of the Labour Party that the stipends system will stay and it will be improved where necessary’.
Professor Scicluna briefed the audience on his work in the European Parliament and said that he was involved as Rapporteur and shadow Rapporteur in 18 reports and announced that he had been nominated to do another report this time on statistics. He also fielded several other questions put to him by the members of the audience present.
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