Labour MEP Professor Edward Scicluna was a guest on the discussion programme “Ma’ Pauline” on One Radio on Wednesday 19th September 2012. He was interviewed by Pauline Miceli about the European Banking Union proposal, the recession and the country’s economic situation. Professor Scicluna was also asked about the nomination he received for the prestigious MEP of the Year Award 2012.
Prof Scicluna mistieden fuq One Radio “Ma’ Pauline”
L-Ewroparlamentari Laburista il-Professur Edward Scicluna nhar l-Erbgħa 19 ta’ Settembru kien mistieden fuq il-programm ta’ diskussjoni “Ma’ Pauline” fuq One Radio. Huwa ġie intervistat mill-preżentatriċi Pauline Miceli u tkellem dwar il-proposta tal-Unjoni Bankarja Ewropea, r-riċessjoni u s-sitwazzjoni ekonomika attwali. Il-Professur Scicluna ġie mistoqsi wkoll dwar in-nomina li rċieva għall-unur prestiġġjuż tal-Aħjar MEP għas-sena 2012.
– ONE Radio: 19th September 2012