Prof Edward Scicluna – dot eu TVM [WATCH]

Labour MEP Professor Edward Scicluna was featured on TVM’s programme dot eu on Saturday 13 October. He was interviewed by the producer and presenter Keith Demicoli. Professor Scicluna amongst other things talked about what made him take the decision to contest the general elections as a Labour Party candidate. He also spoke about his work and achievements as a Labour MEP during his first term in the European Parliament. Professor Scicluna hoped that the political debate in Malta will be more mature and will focus on real and urgent issues and not be marred by mudslinging.



L-Ewroparlamentari Laburista l-Professur Edward Scicluna nhar is-Sibt 13 ta’ Ottubru ġie intervistat fuq il-programm dot eu fuq Television Malta. Din kienet it-tieni ġimgħa konsekuttiva li Scicluna kien mistieden fuq dan il-programm. Fost affarijiet oħra huwa tkellem dwar x’waslu biex jiddeċiedi li jikkontesta l-elezzjoni ġenerali bħala kandidat tal-Partit Laburista. Il-Professur Scicluna esprima s-sodisfazzjon tiegħu dwar il-ħidma tiegħu f’dawn l-aħħar erba’ snin fil-Parlament Ewropew. Huwa esprima x-xewqa tiegħu li d-dibattitu politiku f’pajjiżna jkun ħafna iktar matur u ‘l bogħod mill-isteriżmu politiku.



– TVM, dot eu : Saturday, 13th October.

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