Month: December 2019

  • €8 million surplus recorded in the first eleven months

    €8 million surplus recorded in the first eleven months

    The Ministry for Finance welcomes the latest Government finance data published by the NSO, which shows that during the period January to November of this year, the Government recorded a surplus of €8.0 million, representing a positive change over last year by €43.2 million. The surplus for the first eleven months reflected a significant increase…

  • At the Atlantic Dialogues in Marrakech

    At the Atlantic Dialogues in Marrakech

    “A lot of Central Banks’ fire power is wasted on compensating for existing negative effects arising from trade sanctions. Why should we put the burden on monetary policy when we can get instead the bull by the horns and target what has been slowing down the Global Economy. We should attack the problem at heart.”…

  • Inħallu l-istituzzjonijiet ta’pajjiżna jaħdmu

    Inħallu l-istituzzjonijiet ta’pajjiżna jaħdmu

    Fil-kitbiet tiegħi, mhux l-ewwel darba li tkellimt fuq l-importanza li nitkellmu b’mod meqjus fuq l-istituzzjonijiet tal-pajjiż. Meta qed nitkellem fuq l-istituzzjonijiet, qiegħed nirreferi għal-Parlament, il-Ġudikatura u l-Qrati, l-istutizzjonijiet regolatoriji bħal Bank Ċentrali, l-FIAU, l-MFSA u l-Korp tal-Puluzija fejn tidħol iż-żamma tal-ordni, u istituzzjonijiet governattivi. Wieħed isaqsi għal x’hiex hemm aċċenn daqshekk qawwi fuq li nsaħħu…

  • National Coordinating Committee Strategy Seminar

    National Coordinating Committee Strategy Seminar

    During strategy seminar organised by the National Coordinating Committee (NCC) within the Ministry for Finance. The seminar was attended by the competent authorities members of the NCC, the Attorney General’s Office; the Malta Police Force; the Office of the Commissioner of Voluntary Organisations; the Sanctions Monitoring Board; the Malta Gaming Authority; the Land Registry Authority;…

  • Malta supports a European FIU Platform ​

    Malta supports a European FIU Platform ​

    “Malta strongly supports the Council Conclusions on AML/CFT strategic priorities, especially so to address trans boundary organised financial crime”. This was stated by the Minister for Finance Edward Scicluna during the ECOFIN Meeting held today, 5th December, in Brussels. PRESS RELEASE BY THE MINISTRY FOR FINANCE While the present operational systems that enable the exchange of information…

  • Broad-based economic growth continues in the third quarter

    Broad-based economic growth continues in the third quarter

    In the third quarter of this year, the Maltese economy recorded a 3.4 per cent increase in real GDP over the same quarter last year. The third quarter growth rate in the Euro Area averaged 1.2 per cent. Economic growth for the first three quarters of this year amounted to 4.7 per cent, while it…

  • L-Iżvilupp fil-Lvant Nofsani

    L-Iżvilupp fil-Lvant Nofsani

    Fid-dinja li qed ngħixu, hemm madwar żewġ terzi tal-pajjiżi li għadhom f’fażi ta’ żvilupp. Il-poplu li jgħixu f’dawn il-pajjiżi, jaspiraw ghal titjib u jridu li pajjiżhom jimxi l-quddiem biex ikun hemm l-istess kwalita’ ta’ ħajja li wieħed isib f’bosta pajjiżi Ewropej u ġewwa l-Amerika ta’ Fuq u f’pajjiżi oħra, bħall-Awstralja. Il-pajjiżi nistghu naqsmuhom f’regjuni. B’hekk…

  • Eurofisc Conference

    Eurofisc Conference

    “E-commerce is considered by all Members States to be the sector that poses the greatest threat to the tax administrations. Fraud schemes are constantly evolving and getting more complicated and therefore difficult to detect. They are also challenging to control, as it is difficult to monitor the transaction flow (money, goods and services) and to…