Category: Latest News

  • Commission response deepens mystery on Maltese ID cards

    Commission response deepens mystery on Maltese ID cards

    Labour MEP Prof Edward Scicluna reacted with disappointment to the refusal of the European Commission to divulge whether it was funding the replacement of Malta’s outdated ID cards system, adding that the Maltese government was guilty of “purposely sowing seeds of needless confusion”. Following repeated questions by Labour MP Leo Brincat on the issue, the…

  • Forum dwar il-leave tal-maternita

    Forum dwar il-leave tal-maternita

    L-Ewroparlamentari Laburista Malti l-Professur Edward Scicluna nhar is-Sibt, 6 ta’ Novembru, 2010, kien fost il-kelliema waqt forum pubbliku bit-tema “20 gimgha leave tal-maternita. Ghalfejn ghandi nhallas biex int ikollok it-tfal?” organizzat mill-Ufficcju tal-Parlament Ewropew f’Malta. Prof Scicluna qal li Malta hija l-pajjiz bl-inqas leave tal-maternita fost il-pajjizi tal-Unjoni Ewropea, 14-il gimgha. Malta hija l-pajjiz fl-Unjoni…

  • Open Debate: 20 Weeks Maternity Leave

    Open Debate: 20 Weeks Maternity Leave

    An open debate between citizens and MEP Simon BUSUTTIL, MEP Edward SCICLUNA, MBB CEO Joe TANTI, NCW VP Doreen MICALLEF, entrepreneur Marlene MIZZI and childbirth educator Marianne THEUMA Light refreshments will be served following the event Registration (free of charge) is required on 21235075 or Saturday 6th November 2010 at 1000hrs

  • Financial Accountability Statement

    Financial Accountability Statement

    In line with the PL Code of Ethics for incumbent MEPs, hereunder is the Financial Accountability Statement made by Prof Edward Scicluna MEP for the legislative year 14th July 2009 to 16th July 2010, together with the auditors’ certification statement. View or download report

  • Scicluna welcomes EU Islands resolution that ‘will protect Gozo’s interests

    Scicluna welcomes EU Islands resolution that ‘will protect Gozo’s interests

    Labour MEP Professor Edward Scicluna today praised a European Parliament resolution on the need for EU policies and funding for mountain regions and islands, describing it as “a strong statement of intent that will protect Malta’s interests, particularly Gozo.” Speaking in the European Parliament in Strasbourg on a Motion for Resolution that focused on the…

  • Scicluna calls for Commission clarification on ID cards funding

    Scicluna calls for Commission clarification on ID cards funding

    Labour MEP Prof Edward Scicluna today called on the European Commission to clarify the question of whether the Maltese government had called for EU funding to pay for a new ID card system. Prof Scicluna said: “It is of grave concern that the majority of ID cards in Malta are expired, with their viability dependent…