Tkompli s-sensiela EJJA U STAQSI

Is-sensiela  ta’ Diskussjonijiet Pubblici fuq bazi distrettwali bit-tema EJJA U STAQSI, mill-Ewroparlamentari Laburista Prof Edward Scicluna, kompliet nhar il-Gimgha, 17 ta’ Gunju, 2011, fil-Caraffa Vaults, Birgu Waterfront.

Wara indirizz qasir minn Prof Scicluna l-udjenza ghamlet diversi mistoqsijiet li kienu jitrattaw suggetti varji, fosthom dwar kif se tkun qed tahdem il-Governanza Ekonomika; x’jista’ jkun l-effett tal-krizi tal-Grecja, l-Irlanda u l-Portugall fuq il-pajjizi l-ohrajn taz-Zona Ewro u fuq il-munita Ewro nnifisha; il-kwistjoni tal-AirMalta; x’ikun l-effett fuq iz-Zona Ewro u fuq l-UE jekk il-Grecja tiddeciedi li tohrog mill-UE; penalitajiet li wehlet Malta mill-UE; il-pensjonijiet tas-Servizzi Inglizi; kif jista’ jkun maghruf fejn wasalna fir-rigward ta’ flus allokati lil Malta mill-UE u x’inhuma l-prospetti ghal wara s-sena 2013 meta allura jkun dahal fis-sehh il-bagit tal-UE.

EJJA U STAQSI at the Caraffa Vaults

Labour MEP Prof Edward Scicluna’s series of Public Discussions with the slogan EJJA U STAQSI was held on Friday, June 17, 2011, at the Caraffa Vaults, Vittoriosa Waterfront. This was the tenth event of the series, with venues chosen on Electoral Distriscts’ basis. The event covered the Second Electiral District.

Topics discussed were all raised by the floor after a short address by Prof Edward Scicluna. The audience asked about the mechanics of Economic Governance; what might be the effects of the Greek, Irish and Portuguese crisis on other Euro Zone countries and on the euro itself; Airmalta’s issue; what will happen were Greece to opt out out of the EU; ex-British Services pensioners; EU penalties on Malta; where do we stand with regards to funds allocated by the EU to Malta; and what are the prospects for Malta after 2013, considering that by then the EU will have in place its seven year budget.

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