Edward addresses EP Plenary Session in Strasbourg

Addressing the Plenary Session of the European Parliament (EP) in Strasbourg

(Wednesday 09/03/2011) Labour MEP Prof. Edward Scicluna pointed out the difference between what was proposed by the European Council (EC) and what is being proposed by the European Parliament (EP) regarding the need of a Permanent Financial Mechanism for the Eurozone countries.

“The EC’s proposal specifies what the mechanism is for and by whom it should be financed, but it does not say for whom. On the other hand the EP’s Report specifies clearly that the potential beneficiaries must be all the member states whose currency is the euro and not the Eurozone as a whole,” said Prof. Scicluna.

Prof. Scicluna addressed the Plenary in view of the fact that he was nominated by the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs (ECON) as co-Rapporteur to the ECON Opinion Report on the EC proposal.

Prof. Edward Scicluna jindirizza s-Sessjoni Plenarja tal-PE fi Strasbourg

F’intervent li ghamel nhar l-Erbgha, 9 ta’ Marzu, 2011, fis-Sessjoni Plenarja tal- Parlament Ewropew imlaqqa’ fi Strasbourg, l-Ewroparlamentari Laburista l-Professur Edward Scicluna ddeskrieva r-Rapport tal-Parlament Ewropew (PE) fir-rigward tat- twaqqif ta’ Mekkanizmu Finanzjarju Permanenti ghall-Pajjizi taz-Zona Ewro bhala li qed jaghmel dak li m’ghamilx il-Kunsill Ewropew (KE) fil-proposta tieghu.

Il-proposta tal-KE tispecifika ghal xhiex u minn min se jigi finanzjat dan il-mekkanizmu, izda mhux ghal min.

Ir-Rapport ta’ Opinjoni tal-PE jispecifika b’mod car min li l-beneficjarji ghandhom ikunu l-membri stati kollha fiz-Zona Ewro, irrispettivament mill-kobor u c-cokon taghhom. Prof. Scicluna indirizza s-Sessjoni Plenarja fid-dawl tal-fatt li hu kien nghazel mill-Kumitat ghall-Affarijiet Ekonomici u Monetarji (ECON) biex ikun co-Rapporteur ghar-Rapport ta’ Opinjoni tal-PE.

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