Macroeconomic stability – Videoblog 13


In his weekly video blog Finance Minister Prof. Edward Scicluna discusses the recently published Pre-Budget Consultation document, which is founded on the principle of stability for the benefit of all (stabbiltà biex noħolqu l-ġid għal kulħadd).


Pre-Budget - Featured

Prof. Scicluna says that the aim of the pre-budget consultation document was to deliver an analysis of Malta’s economic and financial situation to provide as a basis for that consultation. He notes that the situation is so far a positive one, in terms of jobs created, exports and consumption, all resulting in greater government revenue.

At the same time, Prof. Scicluna emphasises that Malta must be cautious in order to be able to close 2013 with a deficit below the 3% benchmark.


– Friday, 10th August, 2013.

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