Finance Ministry’s first 100 days – Videoblog 6


100 Days featIn his weekly blog, Finance Minister Prof. Edward Scicluna looks at the Government’s first 100 days, and the work he and his Ministry focused on during this time.


He explains how at a critical time, the Government successfully contained the risks posed by the Cypriot crisis to Malta, and how Malta’s economic and financial stability were safeguarded from contagion and speculation.


Prof. Scicluna also discusses efforts spearheaded by the Finance Ministry during this time, most notably the 2013 Budget which the Government had pledged to approve as soon as possible.


He explains how the Finance Ministry’s work also included several initiatives related to the VAT Department, the establishment of a Spending Review Unit, and active participation in the development of other Government initiatives such as the Global Residency Scheme.


Prof. Scicluna explains that he and his Ministry are now looking forward to the upcoming 2014 Budget, preparations for which are already underway.


– Monday, 24th June, 2013

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