Laqgħa ta’ Diskussjoni – L-Ewro Sfidi Godda – L-Erbgha , 7 ta’ Dicembru – Phoenicia, Floriana

Nhar l-Erbgha, 7 ta’ Dicembru, 2011, l-Ewroparlamentari Laburista u Vici-Chairman ghall-Affarijiet Ekonomici u Monetarji tal-Parlament Ewropew, il-Professur Edward Scicluna, indirizza diskussjoni pubblika bit-tema l-Ewro – Sfidi Godda, li saret fil-lukanda Phoenicia, il-Furjana.
Din il-laqgha giet indirizzata wkoll mill-Mexxej tal-Partit Laburista u Kap tal-Oppozizzjoni, Dr. Joseph Muscat.
Ghal-laqgha attendew Membri Parlamentari Laburisti, rapprezentanti ta’ Korpi Kostitwiti, Sindki, Kunsilliera, gurnalisti u membri tal-pubbliku.
Wara l-ewwel parti tad-diskussjoni, li matulha l-Professur Scicluna gie intervistat mill-gurnalista tal-Malta Today, is-Sur Karl Stagno Navarra, kien imissi lill-membri tal-pubbliku jaghmlu l-interventi u l-mistoqsijiet taghhom.
L-attendenza ghal-laqgha kienet wahda tajba hafna anke minhabba t-tema tad-diskussjoni li ma setghetx tkun aktar topika minhabba l-krizi fiz-zona ewro.
Waqt l-intervista l-Ewroparlamentari Laburista, il-Prof Edward Scicluna tkellem ukoll dwar il-kandidatura tieghu ghall-Elezzjoni Generali ta’ Malta.



On Wednesday 7 December, 2011 Labour MEP and Vice-Chairman of the Economic and Monetary Committee of the European Parliament addressed a public discussion on the theme ‘The Euro – Future Challenges’ which was held at the Phoenicia Hotel, Floriana.
The meeting was also addressed by the Leader of the Labour Party and Leader of the Opposition Dr. Joseph Muscat.
Also present for the meeting were Labour Members of Parliament, representatives of constituted bodies, Mayors, Councillors, press and members of the general public.
Following the first part of the discussion during which Prof. Scicluna was interviewed by Malta Today journalist, Karl Stagno-Navarra,  members of the public took the floor to make comments and put questions.
The meeting was very well attended also because the theme of the discussion could not have been more topical due to the crisis in the eurozone.
During the interview Labour MEP Prof Edward Scicluna also spoke about his candidacy at the Maltese General Elections.


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