Day: March 23, 2018

  • European Commission’s Malta Country Report 2018

    European Commission’s Malta Country Report 2018

    “On April 11th, the government will be communicating a strategic plan to strengthen its institutions, combat money laundering and fight tax evasion after engaging an international consultancy firm which carried out a national risk assessment of the financial institutions. To oversee the implementation of this plan, a National Coordinating Committee, with its own permanent secretariat,…

  • Il-vot tal-PE favur sistema ta’ taxxi ġdida.. X’IMPATT GĦANDU FUQ PAJJIŻNA?

    Il-vot tal-PE favur sistema ta’ taxxi ġdida.. X’IMPATT GĦANDU FUQ PAJJIŻNA?

    Fost is-suġġetti l-aktar mitħaddta fil-jiem li għaddew kien hemm dak dwar it-taxxa, primarjament fuq skala Ewropea. Kien hemm rapporti dwar x’kien diskuss u miftiehem fil-Kunsill tal-Ministri, fil-Kummissjoni Ewropea u anke rapporti dwar stqarrijiet pubbliċi u mal-midja li saru mill-Kummissarju tat-Taxxi Ewropew. Stqarrijiet li ma tantx kienu sbieħ u li mbagħad ingħaqad kollox ma’ kollox bil-vot…

  • FISCALIS Conference on the implementing rules on the VAT E-Commerce Directive

    FISCALIS Conference on the implementing rules on the VAT E-Commerce Directive

    Things are changing everywhere around us and such changes have also affected the way we do things. Today, technology has advanced to a point that it is no longer necessary to have your physical presence in a shop to purchase a product.  You just stay at home, log into the internet, and make an online…