Category: Maltese Politics

  • Labour Euro MEP Edward Scicluna refutes baseless claim by Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi

    When addressing the Nationalist Party’s General Council yesterday, Prime Minister Dr. Lawrence Gonzi asked the Leader of the Opposition Dr. Joseph Muscat whether, in order to reduce the debt, he plans to increase taxes as Labour MEP Edward Scicluna has suggested. I strongly refute this claim by the Prime Minister which is completely baseless and…

  • L-Ewro Parlamentari Laburista Edward Scicluna jichad stqarrija bla bazi tal-Prim Ministru Lawrence Gonzi

    Meta indirizza l-Kunsill Generali tal-Partit Nazzjonalista, il-Prim Ministru Lawrence Gonzi staqsa lill-Kap ta’ l-Oppozizzjoni Dr Joseph Muscat jekk, biex inaqqas id-dejn, hux qed jippjana li jzid it-taxxi kif issugerrixxa l-Ewro-Parlamentari Laburista l-Professur Edward Scicluna. Jiena nichad bil-qawwa kollha din l-istqarrija tal-Prim Ministru li hija ghal kollox bla bazi u l-ghan taghha kienet biss mossa biex…

  • Nuqqas ta’ qbil bejn il-Gvern u l-KE

    Nuqqas ta’ qbil bejn il-Gvern u l-KE

    Nuqqas ta’ qbil bejn il-Gvern u l-KE Huma ħafna, u ta’ dan ma nagħtihomx tort, li jħalltu d-diskors tal-baġit mal-baġit innifsu. Id-dis­kors tal-Ministru hu biss dis­krizzjoni tar-riżultat ta’ eżer­ċizzju tekniku u amministrattiv li jsir fuq perjodu ta’ xhur qabel. Kull ministru jkun involut. Però l-qafas isir mill-Mi­nistru tal-Finanzi li jaħdem mill-qrib mal-Prim Ministru. Dan il-qafas…

  • The Economic Impact Of Parental Leave

    The Economic Impact Of Parental Leave

    The economic impact of parental leave an evaluation of the benefits and the costs. A study by Prof Edward Scicluna MEP. The paper is intended to rebalance the stated costs and benefits assumed by the MBB report by referring to some of the extensive scientific studies carried out in countries around the world over the…

  • “VAT and the EU Conference” by MIM

    “VAT and the EU Conference” by MIM

    Prof. Edward Scicluna was the Guest Speaker invited to make the Concluding Speech for a conference organised by the Malta Institute of Management (MIM) on Thursday, October 20, 2011. Theme of the conference was “VAT and the EU Conference”. Office of Prof. Edward Scicluna issued the following Press Release. Scicluna – Fiscal debate needs to…

  • Scicluna calls on Commission to investigate Maltese energy poverty

    Scicluna calls on Commission to investigate Maltese energy poverty

    Labour MEP Prof Edward Scicluna has called on the European Commission to investigate revelations that Maltese families entitled to social support are being denied energy coupons to help meet their electricity bills unless they can pay their bills in full. Prof Scicluna said: “Energy poverty in Malta is a serious problem that is getting worse.…