Export Sector Regaining Strength

Figures issued yesterday by NSO show that Malta’s exports of manufactured goods increased by over €16 million in the first five months of this year. There were increases in exports of food, pharmaceuticals, chemicals, vehicles, machinery and mechanical appliances and miscellaneous manufactured articles.


The NSO figures also confirm that the imports of investment goods continued to increase in May of this year, marking an increase of €692 million over the first five months of this year.

Commenting on these indicators, Minister for Finance Edward Scicluna remarked: “These indicators prove that the industrial sector in Malta is regaining its dynamism. A lower cost base, thanks to the reduced utility tariffs, and more accommodating environment are bearing the desired results. The increase in investment will continue to increase the capital stock of our economy and hence contributing positively towards Malta’s output potential.”


Thursday 9th July 2015 

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