Finance Minister Scicluna’s Comments to the Times of Malta on Citizenship by Investment Scheme – Uncut



In a brief interview with the Times of Malta on Thursday 23rd January 2014, Finance Minister Prof. Edward Scicluna explained that his original statements regarding the citizenship by investment scheme in an exchange of views with the European Parliament were twisted and misrepresented.

Minister Scicluna said that when he referred to issues such as capping, residence, and other elements, he was speaking in general and using examples which already exist in similar schemes which are currently offered by other European countries.

Minister Scicluna also underlined that the damage that resulted from the citizenship by investment scheme was due to intentional and malicious misrepresentation of the scheme by the Nationalist Party and Nationalist MEPs, who mis-communicated the scheme to their European counterparts.


– Friday, 24th January, 2014

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