Category: Other

  • Hila, Esperjenza, Kredibilità

    Hila, Esperjenza, Kredibilità

    Intervista ma Edward Scicluna, Kandidat tal-PL ghall-elezzjonijiet tal-Parlament Ewropew 1. X’inhi l-bazi li fuqha ddecidejt li tikkontesta l-elezzjoni tal-Parlament Ewropew u x’inhi l-bazi li fuqha se tkun qieghed isservi bhala MEP? Fl-esperjenza tieghi osservajt li filwaqt huma hafna li jitmashnu u jiggieldu ghall-partit politiku taghhom u kultant anke jitilfu rashom, fil-kuxjenza taghhom ihossu li l-ahjar…

  • Tonio Fenech’s ‘no crisis’ policy

    Tonio Fenech’s ‘no crisis’ policy

    It may very well be that Finance Minister Tonio Fenech is following a strict vote of silence on the harsh economic realities being faced by the local industry. Albeit tacit, he affronts the situation with unparalleled confidence and optimism. But is this approach really leaving its desired effect onto the industry? Should we buy it?…

  • Scicluna ‘considers’ Muscat’s invitation to stand with MLP

    Scicluna ‘considers’ Muscat’s invitation to stand with MLP

    MaltaToday can reveal that Muscat asked the renowned professor to contest on the Labour ticket in the last days, as rumours that the MLP was planning to announce a star candidate for the upcoming June elections abounded. “Yes, I am actively considering contesting as an MLP candidate,” Prof. Scicluna told MaltaToday. “I’m giving it another…