A Wonderful Evening

Labour MEP and candidate for the 5th and 8th district Professor Edward Scicluna was given a great welcome by the hundreds of people that attended a New Year Buffet dinner on Saturday 5th January at the InterContinental Hotel in Paceville organised in his honour by his friends.

In a brief speech Professor Scicluna thanked all those present for their continued and strong support. ‘We are entering the final road leading to the general election and we have to be diligent at all times. The winds are changing and there are positive signs’, he said.

Labour Party leader Dr Joseph Muscat made a surprise visit during the dinner. In a short speech he expressed his deep satisfaction that Prof Scicluna accepted his invitation to contest the upcoming general elections. Dr Muscat said that Prof Scicluna is part of the formidable Labour Party team contesting the elections.

Lejla mill-isbaħ

L-Ewroparlamentari Laburista u kandidat għall-5 u t-8 distrett il-Professur Edward Scicluna ingħata merħba kbira mill-mijiet ta’ nies li attendew Buffet Dinner tas-sena l-ġdida nhar is-Sibt 5 ta’ Jannar li ġie organizzat mill-ħbieb tiegħu fil-Lukanda InterContinental f’Paceville.

F’diskors qasir il-Prof Scicluna rringrazzja lil dawk kollha li attendew din l-attivita’ u rringrazzjahom għall-appoġġ kontinwu tagħhom. Huwa qal, ‘Wasalna għall-aħħar traġitt, irridu noqgħodu attenti li ma niżolqux. Ir-riħ beda jdur u għandha indikazzjonijiet tajbin’.

Waqt din l-attivita’ il-mexxej Laburista Dr Joseph Muscat għamel żjara sorpriża. F’diskors tal-okkażjoni huwa esprima s-sodisfazzjon tiegħu li l-Professur Scicluna aċċetta l-istedina tiegħu biex jikkontesta l-elezzjoni ġenerali. Dr Muscat qal li l-Prof Scicluna huwa membru tat-tim formidabbli Laburista għall-elezzjonijiet ġenerali tad-9 ta’ Marzu.


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– Tuesday, 1st January, 2013


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