Laqgħa ta’ Diskussjoni – EJJA U STAQSI – Il-Ħamis, 21 ta’ Frar – Ċentru Laburista, Qrendi

Nhar il-Ħamis 21 ta’ Frar l-Ewroparlamentari Laburista l-Professur Edward Scicluna żamm l-appuntament tiegħu mar-residenti tal-Qrendi, Żurrieq, Kirkop, Mqabba u Safi b’laqgħa oħra pubblika ‘Ejja u Staqsi’ fil-Każin Laburista tal-Qrendi. Il-Professur Scicluna irrisponda numru ta’ mistoqsijiet fuq il-kampanja elettorali u fuq temi relatati mal-Unjoni Ewropea. Fosthom stqarr kemm kienet xokkanti u li ma titwemminx l-aħbar lil-Gvern Malti irrifjuta fondi għall-Garanzija għaż-Żgħażagħ meta Malta għandha l-ogħla rata ta’ illitteriżmu fost iż-żgħażagħ. Spjega wkoll kif id-dejn iwassal għall-kawża tal-falliment ta’ pajjiż u l-pjan ta’ gvern ġdid Laburista biex jistabbilixxi dan id-dejn, iżommu milli jikber u jżid il-produttivita’ fil-waqt li ma jgħollix l-eta’ tal-irtirar. Spjega ukoll temi ekonomiċi bħal kif taħdem l-SPV (Special Purpose Vehicle) fost oħrajn.

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On Thursday 21 February Labour MEP Professor Edward Scicluna kept in touch with the residents of Qrendi, Żurrieq,Kirkop, Mqabba and Safi with another public meeting ‘Ejja u Staqsi’ at the Labour Party Club in Qrendi. Prof. Sciclunaanswered a number of questions about the electoral campaign and regarding issues related to the European Union.He stated that Maltese government refusal to the EU’s Funding Programme Youth Guarantee was both shocking andunbelievable especially when Malta has the highest rate of youth illiteracy. He also explained how debt leads to the financial crisis of a country and the Partit Laburista’s proposal to stop the national debt from increasing, to increase productivity, and that it would not increase retirement age. Prof Scicluna also explained economic issues such as the SPV(Special Purpose Vehicle) among others.


– Il-Ħamis, 21 ta’ Frar : Ċentru Laburista, Qrendi


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