Press Release – Għawdex jeħtieġ Public Service Contract ġeneruż fit-trasport bejn il-gżejjer li dalwaqt se jiġi liberalizzat

Press Release – 10 ta’ Mejju 2009

Stqarrija mahruga mill-Kandidat ghall-Elezzjonijiet tal-Parlament Ewropew Edward Scicluna

Għawdex jeħtieġ Public Service Contract ġeneruż fit-trasport bejn il-gżejjer li dalwaqt se jiġi liberalizzat

Għal kull miljun Ewro roħs fil-prezzi tal-biljetti tal- Gozo Channel, l-ekonomija Għawdxija tiggwadanja bejn hames u seba’ miljun Ewro riżultat tal-flus li jintefqu minn min iżur lil Għawdex. Dan isarraf fi tnejn sa tlett miljun Ewro oħra f’pagi u profitti.

Dan żvelaħ il-Professur Edward Scicluna, kandidat Laburista għall-Elezzjonijiet tal-Parlament Ewropew waqt konferenza “Vision for the Development of the Island Region of Gozo” organizzata mill-Gozo Business Chamber.

Fid-diskors tiegħu, Professur Scicluna spjega kif l-argument favur public service obligation (PSO) ġeneruż f-dan is-settur joħroġ minn bażi ekonomika b’saħħitha ħafna u ma għandux x’jaqsam biss mal-aspett soċjali.

Skond il-kandidat Laburista, il-gvern jista’ jilħaq arrangament għal public service contract (PSC) anke jekk is-settur tat-trasport bejn iż-żewġ gżejjer ikun liberalizzat. Madankollu, kuntratt bħal dan m-għandux jiddiskrimina bejn kumpaniji tal-vapuri li jkunu qed joperaw servizz bejn Malta u Għawdex.

Professur Scicluna qal li wasal iż-żmien li titwaqqaf Gozo Enterprise bhala istitutzzjoni b’politika b’saħħitha li tippromwovi in-negozju f’Għawdex u bi programm li jkopri manifatturi ta’ valur għoli miżjud, fit-turiżmu selettiv, u l-amministrazzjoni back office.

“Għawdex għandu bżonn fondi speċjali tal-Unjoni Ewropea mhux anqas minn Gżejjer Reġjun oħra fl-UE. Għalkemm il-gvern jidher li tilef il-vapur għall-perjodu baġitarju tal-Unjoni Ewropea 2007-2013 minkejja dak li kien imwiegħed, għandu jsir b’urġenza studju sożjo-ekonomiku b’konsultazzjoni ma’ dawk kollha involuti fosthom il-Gozo Business Chamber, il-Gozo Tourism Association, l-assoċjazzjoni tal-għaqdiet mhux governattivi, il-Knisja f’Għawdex u l-Kunsilli Lokali Għawdxin, biex isiru magħrufa sewwa l-ħtiġijiet veri ta’ Għawdex.,” qal Professur Scicluna.

Iktar minn slogans vojta dwar gżira ekoloġika, Għawdex għandu bżonn żvilupp sostenibbli, ikkonkluda Professur Scicluna.

English version

Press Release

10th May 2009

Gozo needs a generous Public Service Contract in a soon-to-be liberalised inter-island transport sector

For every one million Euro reduction in fares charged by Gozo Channel, Gozo’s economy gains about five to seven million Euro in visitor spending, which would mean two to three million Euro in additional wages and profits.

This was revealed by Professor Edward Scicluna, Labour Party candidate for the MEP Elections while addressing a conference “Vision for the Development of the Island Region of Gozo” organised today by the Gozo Business Chamber.

The grounds for a generous public service obligation (PSO) are economic and not just social, Prof. Scicluna argued in his speech.

This could be arranged through a public service contract (PSC) even in a liberalised transport sector between the two islands. However, this contract must not discriminate between community ship owners, according to the PL candidate.

Professor Scicluna said that the time has come for the setting up of a Gozo Enterprise with a strong business promotion policy and programme covering high value added manufacturing, niche tourism and back office administration.

“Gozo needs special EU funding no less than other Island Regions in the European Union. Although the government seems to have missed the boat for the 2007-2013 budgetary period contrary to what had been promised, a socio-economic study needs to be carried out with urgency in consultation with all Gozitan stakeholders including the Gozo Business Chamber, the Gozo Tourism Association, the NGOs Association, the Church in Gozo and the Gozitan local councils, to establish the real needs of Gozo,” Prof. Scicluna said.

Rather than empty slogans of eco-island, the island of Gozo needs sustainable development, Prof. Scicluna concluded.

Edward Scicluna

Kandidat ghall-Elezzjonijiet tal-Parlament Ewropew

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