Prof Edward Scicluna fuq ‘Bi Dritt’ – Smash TV – 28.01.2013

Nhar it-Tnejn 28 ta’ Jannar il-kandidat Laburista għall-5 u t-8 distrett l-Ewroparlamentari l-Professur Edward Scicluna kien mistieden fuq il-programm ta’ diskussjoni ‘Bi Dritt’ fuq Smash Television ippreżentat minn Richard Matrenza. Matul dan il-programm tkellem dwar diversi suġġetti fosthom il-governanza politika, il-leave tal-maternita’, ħolqien tal-impjiegi fost oħrajn. F’dan il-programm ħa sehem ukoll id-deputat Nazzjonalista David Aguis.

 Bi Dritt - Smash - 28012013

On Monday 28 January Professor Edward Scicluna MEP and Labour candidate for the 5th and 8th district was invited on the discussion program Bi Dritt on Smash Television presented by Richard Matrenza. During this program he discussed several topics including political governance, maternity leave,  and job creation among other issues. Nationalist MP David Agius was also a guest on this programme.



– Bi Dritt, Smash TV : Monday, 28th January, 2013

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