Prof. Edward Scicluna on Breakfast News


Labour MEP Prof Edward Scicluna was interviewed by journalists Charlon Gouder and Ramona Attard about the European Commission’s Autumn Economic Forecast conclusions last Monday 12 November on ‘Breakfast News’ on ONE . Prof Scicluna gave his analysis on several points outlined in the Report and explained technically why one should be wary of certain assumptions in this synthesis. He also spoke on the nomination of Min. Tonio Borg for European Commissioner and about the unpleasant experiences of Maltese MEP’s and the impact on the reputation of Malta during this process.


L-Ewroparlamentri Laburista il-Professur Edward Scicluna ġie intervistat mill-ġurnalisti Charlon Gouder u Ramona Attard matul il-programm ‘Breakfast News’ fuq ONE nhar it-Tnejn 12 ta’ Novembru. Prof Scicluna tkellem dwar ir-Rapport tat-Tbassir Ekonomiku għal-Malta għall-Ħarifa maħruġ mill-Unjoni Ewropea. Huwa ta l-analiżi tiegħu fuq diversi punti u spjega b’mod tekniku għaliex wieħed għandu joqgħod attent minn ċerti suppożizzjonijiet f’dan ir-Rapport. Tkellem ukoll dwar in-nomina tal-Ministru Tonio Borg għall-Kummissjarju Ewropew u l-esperjenzi xejn sbieħ tal-Ewroparlamentari Maltin u l-isem ta’ Malta matul dan il-proċess.






– Breakfast News , ONE : Monday, 12th November, 2012

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